Home News These Fangirl Quest Girls Travel To Filming Locations And The Images They...

These Fangirl Quest Girls Travel To Filming Locations And The Images They Take Will Blow Your Mind!

Fangirl Quest Images
Fangirl Quest

Fangirl Quest Girls Travel To Filming Locations

Tiia Öhman and Satu Walden literally managed to take Fangirl Quest to the next level. Both have always loved travelling and photography. And then these two stumbled upon a place that was the filming location of a popular series; what they did next is nothing short of genius! They managed to bring about the perfect amalgamation of travelling, photography and entertainment all in one snap! These two started a travel blog and posted these images. Fangirl Quest is absolutely creative and visually stunning. It’s a perfect lesson for most photographers on how a simple concept could really make all the difference. These two friends embark on the journey in their quest to locate every popular filming location and then superimpose the images from the series/movies over the location aligning every little detail.

It’s also such a refreshing thought and change for all the viewers who have been tired watching the same kind of “nature images” on Instagram for ages now. This could be the new trend for several fans now. It’s so unique!

Fangirl Quest is geeky and smart!


Game of Thrones

Tollymore Forest Park, Northern Ireland

Fan Firl Quest at GOT Studio

Breaking Bad

To’hajiilee Indian Reservation, NM, USA

Fan Firl Quest at Breaking bad set

The Walking Dead

Atlanta, Georgia

Fan Firl Quest at Walking dead location

Doctor Who

Chepstow Castle, Wales

Fan Firl Quest at Doctor who studio


Church of St. Hillary, Wales

Fan Firl Quest at sherlock location

Harry Potter

Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester, UK

Fan Firl Quest at harry potter studio

Downton Abbey

Bampton, UK

Fan Firl Quest at downtown-abbey-set

Batman Begins

St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel, London, UK

Fan Firl Quest at Batman Begins set


Vancouver School of Theology, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Fan Firl Quest at Supernatural Studio

The Avengers

Grand Central Terminal, NY, US

Fan Firl Quest at The avengers studio

Thor: The Dark World

Old Royal Naval College, London, UK

Fan Firl Quest at Thor dark world set

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Old Royal Naval College, London, UK

Pirates of Caribbean filming studio


Fangirl Quest really makes you want to pack your bags and leave.

You can check more such images on their website FanGirl Quest

h/t: MyModernMet

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