Home News Look At These Insanely Hilarious AIB Hoardings In Mumbai To Promote Their...

Look At These Insanely Hilarious AIB Hoardings In Mumbai To Promote Their New Show

AIB Hoardings In Mumbai
On Air With AIB

AIB Hoardings In Mumbai To Promote Their New Show


This was the dream! To watch AIB on television is something every youngster wanted after half the country started following these guys. If you are still under doubts, look at these insane AIB hoardings in Mumbai to promote their new show. You will know why these guys deserve all the love and attention. Their videos aren’t only popular because of their comedy quotient; it’s also because it hits you in the face with its sharp sarcasm. Most of our habits have been mocked and we kind of like that, admit it! AIB videos depict the “reality of the nation” humorously, but not once is the message lost or too heavy to digest.

It’s their knack for look at things the other way that has got the team this far. Now these guys are all set to entertain us every day with a brand new contract with Star Plus. Given the kind of content they have usually had in their videos, we have no idea what have they done in this show for Star Plus which is the epitome of everything diabetic-ally sweet.

What we bring to you are exclusive hoardings that have been put up at several locations in Mumbai to promote their show. You could almost miss them assuming it’s a hoarding to promote a political party. AIB has always been famous for its unique and “we couldn’t have thought of this” kind of concepts. Now, with these hoardings, they have proved yet again why they rule our hearts. Everyone’s been talking about them since the time they have been up. Have a look!


1It’s a news comedy show that is going to go on air on Hotstar, Star Plus and Star World this month.

On Air with AIB Hoardings in Mumbai

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2And this happened in Mumbai!

Gursharan khamba AIB Hoardings in Mumbai

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khamba gursimran Aib Hoardings in Mumbai

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3If you cannot read Marathi, Redditor binaryKarmic has translated it!

Translation of Gursharan khamba AIB Hoardings in Mumbai

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4Look at Rohan’s face 😀

Ashish Shakya Hoarding in Mumbai

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Ashish Shakya Hoarding in Mumbai

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5We’d surely vote for them!

Rohan Joshi Hoarding in Mumbai

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Good luck, guys! We cannot wait for the show to begin.

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