Home News Mera Bharat NOT Mahaan #NotMyChoice; A Joker Tells Us Why

Mera Bharat NOT Mahaan #NotMyChoice; A Joker Tells Us Why

Mera bharat Not mahaan,
Mera bharat Not mahaan,

Mera Bharat NOT Mahaan #NotMyChoice; A Joker Tells Us Why


Fame Comedy is back with yet another fantastic video that exposes everything that’s wrong with India. It’s not only about the mentality but also about the hypocrisy of our country. It’s not like we cannot change; it’s more about us not wanting to change. A circus joker; usually seen as someone who will entertain us and make us laugh, has actually pointed out the shortcomings of our country with fantastic and intelligent use of puns. It tells you exactly why it’s high time Indians stopped looking at India as “mahaan”. From corruption to education, from poverty to child labour and from politics to religion, everything has been targeted in this 3 minute video. Add to that the amount of bans that are gradually picking up in the country; we know it’s a perfect blend of despair and disaster. Even an individual’s basic right in this country, from what to wear to what to eat has been mocked. And why shouldn’t it be critiqued at? Do we really have the freedom to move around in whatever we want to wear while we are eating something we love? There have been several videos that have used sarcasm as a style; this one works because it gets us to wake up and raise our voices against injustice. Mera Bharat NOT Mahaan has received a lot of appreciation on social media for its unique treatment of a novel topic. The video works as an eye opener for most of us who want a change in the system of our country but haven’t really done anything for it. It ends with the joker asking all of us to be the change rather than wait for someone to change things for us. He tells us to change our priorities, to leave our celebrities alone and focus on the growth of this country. Let’s not make India a joke for the rest of the world he says. And we agree!

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