Home Just For a Read Supergirl First Look seems long and Gives Away Too Much!

Supergirl First Look seems long and Gives Away Too Much!


Supergirl First Look seems long and Gives Away Too Much!

For a long time fans have been waiting to see how CBS will present Superman’s cousin, Supergirl in a series. Supergirl First Look is here and umm… we aren’t that impressed to be honest. They have given away a lot more than what was needed in the trailer itself (it’s 6 and a half minutes long!) and the transformation seems quite predictable. She looks like a nerd and her job will remind you of Anne Hathaway from “The Devil Wears Prada”. Her boss resembles Meryl Streep from the same film. The only difference is that Hathaway turned into a hot, style icon at her work place and this one turns into a woman that can carry a huge plane, loaded with passengers that’s about to crash. The elements also sum up for a typical romantic comedy and don’t really offer anything new. Supergirl First Look was launched about 8 hours ago and has got a tremendous response. It has its moments, no denying that, but they are not recurrent. After watching the trailer, people have had a mixed response about it. Many loved it and others also feel like the target audience are teenage girls and not beyond that. We are still a little bent at feeling that it doesn’t have too many exciting elements (for now). We could be wrong, we hope we are! You can watch CBS’s Supergirl First Look right here and decide for yourself.

Several women are excited about this one since it’s finally that time when a “superwoman” is introduced in the market. But we hoped for something better, something extra and that was missing. We cant really put our finger on it; something seems really incomplete out here. Here’s hoping that the series proves us wrong and actually manages to live up to everyone’s expectations. Good luck team Supergirl!



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