Winners Of NIEM College Idol 2015
NIEM College Idol 2015 got over a week ago, but the buzz around the event just doesn’t seem to die. The fantastic organization of the event by NIEM students, the level of the participants and the impressive judges panel; everything keeps the event in news for all the right reasons.
We did an exclusive interview with the winners of the show and talked over how they prepared for the big event, how it feels like to be the college idol this year and on their preparations for in the upcoming College Idol Finale in Mumbai on the 27th of November. A little nervous and extremely excited, the winners of the show had a lot to share.
“How are you feeling now that you have won the show?” We ask the winners, Bhavesh Gujjar and Devangi Vyas.

“It feels great! I have participated in several other shows, also been in the top 15 of a reality show, but it means something else to have won NIEM College Idol 2015. It has motivated me to do better each day.”
“I am still in a trance. It feels surreal to have won this show. I never really thought I could have done it. The auditions were difficult and the performances in the finale were something else. It still feels like a dream to have won it. This is the first time I ever participated in a show and I made it to the top.”
“How did it feel when you saw your photograph in the newspaper (Ahmedabad Mirror)?”
First Runners Up

“It’s unbelievable! Looking at your picture in the newspaper in the morning is a feeling that cannot be described. My parents are extremely happy with what I have achieved”, says first runner up Dilash Bosmiya (the youngest of the lot), among the boys.
In girls Hetvi Limbad grabbed the position of the first runner up with her fantastic performance. She played four instruments at once and has been in the field of music for years now. “Such shows just keep fuelling our confidence and the desire to go on. I am proud that I achieved it. I also won a competition organized by Ahmedabad Mirror, now after winning NIEM College Idol 2015, my confidence has doubled.
Second runners up Salim Chipa and Ayushi Soni discuss their passion for dance with us. While Ayushi is performing a degree in performing arts, dance comes naturally for Salim. Salim managed to impress the judges in the audition rounds itself, thus it was natural he made it in the top three positions. “I wanted to show the classical and western version of dance within a minute. I was quite nervous waiting for my turn backstage. I am glad all the creativity and hard work has paid off well”, shares Ayushi. Salim, on the other hand, says, “I wasn’t nervous at all. I believe dance is all about enjoying. I enjoyed performing in this wonderful show.”
Seconds Runners up

Bhavesh Gujjar received a standing ovation for his performance. We ask him if his family supports his career choice.
“It’s difficult. No matter what I achieve; it’s not something that is appreciated easily. I keep going in any case. I know I will make it big someday.” Salim seconds his thoughts and share on how his brother is the only person who stands by him and encourages him to keep doing well.
These participants only had a minute to prove their metal and they managed to win the hearts of the audience. What scared them was round two; where they were ask situational questions to check their wittiness. While some of them managed to pull it off, most couldn’t live up to their expectations. Overcoming all those hurdles and winning this show is quite impressive.
Now that they all have won and the victory has sunk in, we ask them about their preparations for the show in Mumbai to be held on the 27th of November.
“We want to thank National Institute of Event Management for this opportunity. It’s something else to win the show here and then to go to Mumbai. They are funding our trip and we really want to win the show in Mumbai as well.”
The winners are pumped about representing Ahmedabad-Gujarat in Mumbai and bringing another trophy home.
“Who encourages you to do your best? Who’s your source of support?” I ask.
“It has to be my dad, Jatin Limbad. He taught me whatever I know today. Also my college SMPIC has played an important role in helping me pursue my goals,” shares Hetvi Limbad.
“My dad, Prashant Bosmiya, managed the voting round while I practiced; he’s been by my side constantly; also Pritesh Nayak,” talks Dilash Bosmiya.
“It has to be my brother, Farooq Chimba and my friend Samad.” Salim answers.
“Friend Dance Crew, they are the reason I am what I am today.” talks Bhavesh Gujjar.
“Jay Seth, my sir and friend inspired me to do my best. Also my college J.G encouraged me.” Aayushi Soni shares how he encouraged her.
“It has to be my mom. She stood by me like a rock; also Kalrav Dave who owns a dance studio. My college for pushing me to be a part of this show; I am so glad I won the show.” Devangi Vyas is ecstatic!
We wish all the contestants the best of luck; we hope they win the finale in Mumbai and od their parents proud.
NIEM College Idol 2015 gave wonderful winners to Gujarat this year.
Here’s hoping for more awesome shows from NIEM; until then it’s a wrap!