Home Just For a Read These Same Sex Wedding Images Of A British-Indian Man And His Partner...

These Same Sex Wedding Images Of A British-Indian Man And His Partner Are Stunning

Same Sex Wedding
Justin Johnson and Simon McNorton

Same Sex Wedding Images

While we are still fighting for gay rights and Same Sex Wedding and relationship permissions in India, it’s quite different and happy in the other ends of the world. Marisa Guzman-Aloia recently captured a beautiful Same Sex Wedding in Washington DC and the images will make your heart skip a beat. Marisa was not only thrilled at the request, but also stunned when she was asked to capture moments of this stunning couple’s most important day. She says that even when she will be 90, she won’t ever forget that day. We agree!

The names of the grooms are Justin and Simon. While Justin is a military veteran, Simon is an Indian-British guy. Justin dressed in his marine blues while Simon adorned a stunning Sherwani with vibrant colours.


That’s the stunning couple! It’s so wonderful to see them all dressed and smiling

Same Sex Wedding Images Of A British-Indian Man

The beautiful wedding location! We guess the adorable couple went with the “Less is more” theme

Same Sex Wedding location Image

The vows! 

Justin and Simon taking the wedding vows

The rings!

Same Sex Wedding ring ceremony and kiss


Gay wedding Justin and simon

The couple was beaming after being tied in holy matrimony!

Couples beaming after the holy matrimony

Together forever!

Justin and Simon happily married


The couple has given out such a strong message for same-sex couples all around the world with these pictures. Love is simple and free from all complications of gender, race, religion and culture. There is no “normal” way for loving. It just has to come from the heart. These images are a testimony of our changing times and they are more then welcome. Gone are the days when people had to pretend to be straight in order to be accepted in the society. We are so glad the couple took the final step and tied themselves to each other for eternity.

Love has no boundaries indeed! Congratulations, gentlemen!


You can check all of their wedding images at PhotoGuzman 

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