Home News Mumbai Candidly Confesses About First Kiss Experience!

Mumbai Candidly Confesses About First Kiss Experience!

First Kiss Mumbai
First Kiss

Mumbai Candidly Confesses About First Kiss Experience!

We may be in and out of relationships, but the First Kiss is something we will never forget. From only hearing about it from friends and cousins, our ‘First Kiss’ actually puts us in the column of ‘been there done that’. Mumbai’s youth was asked when was their ‘First Kiss’ and how was it like in a candid chat by Fame Fashion. Mumbai is always known for its perkiness and up front attitude. Their absolutely candid and honest replies about their First Kiss will leave you grinning, laughing till it hurts aww-ing with dreamy eyes and will definitely push you to recall how your First Kiss was. This is a good experiment that must be extended to cities other than Mumbai as well. The video has already been appreciated not only by Mumbai and its people but also by the youth in all other cities. From age 13 to age 22 people have had their First kiss at varied ages. Also, surprisingly, in most cases it seemed like the girls had taken the initiative. Good, right? Why always leave it up to the guys to make the first move? A lot of girls also shared that their boyfriends were quite shy. Cute, isn’t it?  It’s also fun to find out that this generation doesn’t really shy away from the camera or take offence when a personal question is thrown at them in the middle of the road. We did not notice any signs of discomfort, anger or disgust; everyone looked quite chill while they talked about the subject in question. Some of their answers will really crack you up and pity these people. Well, whether it was good or bad, the First Kiss is always imprinted in each one’s memory forever, isn’t it? Have a look and laugh away. Don’t forget to share this one! We know everyone’s going to love this!



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