Home Just For a Read Just Beautiful Pictures from Game of Thrones Season 7 Sets

Just Beautiful Pictures from Game of Thrones Season 7 Sets

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

Just Beautiful Pictures from Game of Thrones Season 7 Sets

Game of thrones season 7 is giving a bitter-sweet feeling to fans all across the world. On one hand we want the season to begin so that we can find out what happens next. On the other hand, the fact that we will only be left with one season after this one airs is giving major existential crisis. It’s supremely annoying, but we aren’t able to control our anxiety about and around the show at all. We stumbled upon a bunch of brilliant pictures from Game of Thrones season 7 sets and they are absolutely worth all the waiting up till now. So while we suffer from what feels like a ‘fasting-moving-slow moving-time-I-cannot-make-up-my-mind’ phase, let’s take a break, look at these gorgeous pictures and sigh!

Just Jon Snow on a horse!

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

And then naturally, ARYA ON A HORSE!

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

Brienne Smiling (A reason to smile in winter, eh?)

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

Cersei and Jamie hanging out by the throne

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

Sansa and Littlefinger…Arrggghhhhh!

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly
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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

Mormont!! Do we see Brienne’s in the background? *chuckles*

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

The Beast! How does it fit in a frame?!

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Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

From the images we have seen so far, what’s really got us going is the fact that Arya definitely seems to have arrived home and we couldn’t be happier. We genuinely hope Sansa doesn’t do anything stupid and wash out all the bad-ass-ery she emitted in the last season. As far as Cersei and Jamie are concerned, only time will show if they do get along after everything she’s done or it’s just a show for the world! We hope we got to see at least one image of Tyrion ‘imping’ around enthralling us!

As far as Daenerys is concerned, look how much her son grew up!

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Hail Drogon


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