Home Just For a Read 10 Reasons You Must Not Miss PDPU’s Music Bands Flagship Fest At-Mosh-Sphere...

10 Reasons You Must Not Miss PDPU’s Music Bands Flagship Fest At-Mosh-Sphere 4.0

At-Mosh-Sphere 4.0

PDPU’s – At-Mosh-Sphere 4.0


Just when you think that the Culfests in the city of Ahmedabad have died down and everyone’s prepping for the summer break; we bring you this! PDPU’s Socio-Cultural Fest Flare 2016 is off to a start and it looks extremely impressive! Flare’s At-Mosh-Sphere is already doing the rounds in the city and grabbing all the attention from the youth of the country. Yes, country! Now that you are aptly curious about what At-Mosh-Sphere is, here you go!

At-Mosh-Sphere tries to promote the band culture in the country. It is a blend of a euphoric crowd and adrenaline pumping music.

We cannot wait to see something this interesting and vibrant happen in Ahmedabad and not be there. Here is why you must join us at PDPU too and not miss this golden chance.


It is all about music; an art that is celebrated and yet ignored in its certain genres in the country.

Rock Concert Live

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It is a battle of bands! Did you even imagine witnessing something this epic in Ahmedabad?

Head banding Rock band Concert

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It isn’t just about Ahmedabad or Gujarat! At-Mosh-Sphere encourages bands from different parts of the country to participate; wonderful, isn’t it?

Creative Keyboard Keys

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Because this isn’t just about witnessing the foot-tapping music of the bands; it’s about celebrating music and supporting the youth in fulfilling their dreams of being successful musicians!

Ross Geller Keyboard

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They are trying to make a difference in the music culture of the country and our presence is a huge encouragement

Kabhi Kabhi Aditi Song GIF

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How many times have you attended a CulFest that focuses on something larger and doesn’t keep obsessing about its Mother Institute?

Selena Gomez Cute Expressions

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Wouldn’t it be a fun night to witness some incredible music and meet some real talented people in the same place?

Girl Singing Concert show

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Always dreamt of attending a good rock band concert? This could be it!

Rock Concert live at ahmedabad

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If you are from Ahmedabad, you are in for a surprise when you will see the bands from the city; believe us!

Taylor Swift Billboard Awards

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Because this doesn’t happen every day! Do you really want to wait another year, when you could be there now?!

Brad Pitt Excited dance

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In a time when institutes are fighting to prove and project their supremacy; here is PDPU only interested in giving a quality Fest to its students and encouraging young talent in music At-Mosh-Sphere is the face of what college fests must be like!

If you wish to participate in the band battle click HERE for registration


Stay tuned for the dates and updates!


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