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Fantastic Images Show What Would Happen If Game Of Thrones Characters Were Agency Professionals


Game of Thrones Characters as Agency Professionals

A lot has been said and imagined about Game of Thrones characters. From endorsing brands to being a part of modern age, GOT characters have been squeezed into each one’s personal fantasy. But while all of this may seem funny and entertaining, we cannot deny the fact that most of it works. GOT characters have a special place in our hearts because of the way they manage to think and create irreparable chaos (or solution to it).

Now an Indian digital agency named Chimp&z Inc came up with the incredible idea of turning things around big time. They created Game of Thrones characters as agency professionals. We cannot deny the kind of power these characters have, how they use language to make the world know about their power and ultimately what drives them to do what they do. Based on each character’s unique trait in the show, the agency created fantastic images. Each image has a GOT character with its iconic line that stands proof to the professional the agency has assigned to them.

The images and the idea went viral the moment it touched the internet. With practically every domain and body basking into the popularity of this fantasy show, we believe these guys are one of the best. What is really enthralling is how each character is assigned the perfect post within the agency. Check out Game of Thrones characters as agency professionals right here!

Jon Snow

Game of thrones characters as agency professionals 1


Lord Petyr Baelish

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Grey Worm

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Cersei Lannister

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Mace Tyrell

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Lord Varys

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The Unsullied Army

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Tyrion Lannister

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Three-Eyed Raven

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Samwell Tarley

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Ramsay Bolton

Game of thrones characters as agency professionals 12

The clients are the scariest in our opinion! The only down to these brilliant images is the fact that we didn’t see any job role for Daenerys or the Dothrakis. We see Dany as the ultimate Director/CEO, what about you?

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