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Shocking Info graphics On What A Can Of Coco Cola Does To Your Body In One Hour

Can Of Coco Cola Does To Your Body
A can of Coca Cola

What A Can Of Coco Cola Does To Your Body In One Hour


We all love our sodas and Coco Cola rules that lot undoubtedly. While most of us see it as refreshment and a “need” with our lunch/dinner; its effects on body just an hour after its consumption are not only shocking, but equally disturbing. The Renegade Pharmacist, a blog run by former UK pharmacist Niraj Naik made these info graphics that have taken over the internet currently. Many of us may know that Coco Cola is unhealthy, but this one tells us why it’s harmful and we better listen to it.

We don’t know yet what is Coca Cola’s take on the entire infographic’s issue. Several people are expecting them to come out in the open and defend themselves, but the company has chosen to keep quiet in the matter and let the stories float in the market on how unhealthy the beverage is. We have also come to know that soon there will also be another infographic on Diet Coke and how it harms our system. Most of us have it under the impression that it’s healthy. It seems like it’s not!

Have a look at these 6 stop break down info graphics.


This is a basic detailed info graphic of what happens at a slot of every 10-20 minutes within the first hour of consuming Coco Cola

can of Coco Cola does to your body

In the first 10 minutes 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your body, causing an insulin burst as your blood sugar level spikes

can of Coco Cola does to your body

Once the caffeine absorption takes place, your blood pressure starts going up at around the 40th minute

can of Coco Cola does to your body

According to a research, adults must restrict their sugar intake to only 7 cubes per day

can of Coco Cola does to your body

Do you still think Coco Cola is healthy?

Damage done by Can of cola cola

Here is the info graphic educating us on the sugar level in every beverage we have.

sugar level in all aerated drinks

Shocking isn’t it?

It’s your health, choose wisely.

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