Honest Wine Labels
We all love a good glass of wine time and again, but how would it be if the bottles had Honest Wine Labels instead of having the everyday, regular company name? Hilarious, right? Drinking would have been taken to another level because of Honest Wine Labels. Instead of just picking up a random bottle; we could actual look at the label and make our own choice. The labels would actually be quite interactive in that sense. Here are 10 Honest Wine Labels that are going to make you go ROFL in 3…2…1…
1Most of us would need this one!
2Hahahaha! For the crazy social media goof ups!
3For the one who is Forever in a mess!
4For the ones who get too emotional after a couple of drinks!
5The crazy ones!
6The one who gets too wise after a drink!

7The romantic ones!

8Got a crush on someone?


10Yaaay! You survived!

You can check out more such Honest Wine Labels at vinepair.com
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