Home Just For a Read These Designs Perfectly Present Two Types Of Travellers

These Designs Perfectly Present Two Types Of Travellers

Two Types Of Travellers
Two Types Of Travellers

Types Of Travellers

There is a type to everything apparently; especially travelling. There are some who like clicking pictures and others who like shooting films. Basically, there are Two Types Of Travellers in general. You will find these everywhere and will be able to distinguish between them very easily. It’s not like travellers are only limited to two kinds. Each one of us has a different take on travelling. These are just an attempt to segregate between the two most popular types. The definition of a “holiday” is very different for both these types. For one it could just be relaxing on a beach and sipping some exotic wine and for the other it could be all about climbing the hill and living in tents. It all depends on how do you define rejuvenation and what keeps you relaxed. Cheryl Mina Sampat Jadav came up with these stunning designs that differentiate between these Two Types Of Travellers very creatively. Her idea is just to bring to light how most of us perceive travellers and how they perceive themselves as well. The interesting part is that everyone can relate to these designs since they are based on the most common perceptions about travellers around the world. Moreover, she has used every day articles that are an inherent part of travelling and used them to show all the difference it creates.

1The most common one; this can be spotted from any given distance.

Types of Travellers

2Two Types Of Travellers; two different uses of pictures!

Two Types Of Travellers

3We all crave for the luxury one usually, don’t we?

Adventure vs business meeting

4GPRS totally!

Types of Travellers

5Beautiful, this one!

Natures lover vs music lover

6This is our favourite! It’s so apt!

Hiker vs call a cab traveller

7Fantastic representation!

alone travelling vs group travelling

8The creatives keep getting better!

book Reader vs Newspaper reader

Which one are you?


You can have a look at Cheryl’s artwork

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