Things That Irritate Every Professional Chef
“Cooking is Art”, they say. But only a professional chef knows how difficult that art is to master. Sometimes it isn’t the cooking that is challenging; it is everything around it, every element in the kitchen that tests the patience of a professional chef. If you think acting stingy or pricey and asking for too many modifications in the dish on the menu is your birth right; well, think again! There are a million things that can go wrong in the kitchen and change the mood of a professional chef from “Ohh Yesss!” to “Oh F*@k!” We bring you a list of some of the things that annoy any and every professional chef. If you have ever been on the other side, you know what we are talking about. Believe us, the last thing you want to do is piss him/her off and have a crappy meal!
When someone tries to call in sick when you least expect it! Actually, you never expect sick leaves!
When customers look at the food on the plate, realize it is not what they want to have and send the food back
When the prep crew don’t do their job properly!
When friends and family complain that you don’t give them half the time you give to the restaurant
When your friends complain about their jobs that demands out of them to stand for a couple of hours
When customers walk in just when you are closing
A dirty kitchen
When the knife isn’t sharp enough
When people order a dish that isn’t on the menu and then ask why it isn’t
When people hover around you while you are cooking *ARRGHHH*
We feel for you guys!