Home Just For a Read NIEM Event Manager of the Year Awards Are Here!

NIEM Event Manager of the Year Awards Are Here!

NIEM Event Manager

NIEM Event Manager of the Year


Again it is that time of the year when NIEM is up for giving out a treat to all its fans. NIEM Event Manager of the year awards are here and making news everywhere. NIEM is one institute that doesn’t only believe in teaching Event Management, but also in celebrating events. In their attempt to do so, NIEM Event Manager of the year awards are introduced. The purpose is to honour two students (one male and one female) of all colleges in the city who have contributed immensely in every event of the college.
The idea is to encourage them to keep up doing such events and take their instutions to greater heights. Moreover, NIEM doesn’t only believe in award ceremonies that are boring. Umang is their patent show that is meant to highlight all talented dance groups in the city. So if you have a set of friends and are into dancing, tie your shoe lace and reach NIEM on Monday for the auditions! The auditions begin 10am onwards.

So whether you are a dancer or an event manager at your college or both; NIEM is waiting for you with doors wide open. The show is scheduled at 1:30pm on the 1st of February, 2016 at Tagore Hall. This is your chance to shine and win attractive prizes!
There are loads of surprises waiting for you on “D Day”.

DO NOT miss out on this one!

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