Home News Look How This Artist Transforms Starbucks Mermaid Into Famous Characters

Look How This Artist Transforms Starbucks Mermaid Into Famous Characters

Starbucks Mermaid Into Famous Characters

Look How This Artist Transforms Starbucks Mermaid Into Famous Characters


One of the other things that we love about Starbucks (other than the food) is the mermaid on their cups. For years, the mermaid has been the face of this brand. We can literally say that one stands for the other. What do you do with these cups once you have had your coffee? Throw them, obviously! But some guy out there saw a lot of potential to create art through this mermaid. And boy! He is GOOD! You name a pop character/singer/actor/superhero from today and he has manages to put him/her on the cup through his art. It isn’t even like he needs to take off teh mermaid or something. He uses the mermaid and designs it so smartly; the mermaid is camouflaged by whatever it is that he has drawn on the cup. The social media has gone absolute bonkers over his creativity. The precision, designs and the absolute wacky ideas have left all of us asking for more. The artists leaves so much scope for everyone else and provides immense promise and potential to create art in the most unexpected places. Who could have thought of coffee cups turned into something so marvellous. It gives out a simple message, “An artist will find art everywhere.” And we too can create it provided we keep our eyes open and are open to experimentation. Have a look at what he has done; we promise you won’t be disappointed. He has started a page called Sleevebucks on Instagram and Tumblr where he shares his art. He leaves a deep message for all artists; it is to find and create art through things that look simple. Brilliant! We must say! Check some of his best works out here.


Hagrid on StarBucks Mermaid

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe on StarBucks Mermaid


Lord Voldemort on StarBucks Mermaid

Harry Potter

Harry Potter on StarBucks Mermaid

Hermione on StarBucks Mermaid

Heisenberg on Star Bucks Coffee

The incredible Hulk on Star Bucks Coffee

Captain America
Captian America artistic coffee

Iron Man
Tony Stark(Iron Man) artistic coffee


Batman artistic coffee

Spock artistic coffee

Black Widow

Black Widow  artistic coffee

Absolutely amazing, isn’t it?


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