Home Just For a Read OMG: J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools And They Are All...

OMG: J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools And They Are All Kinds Of Awesome!

J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools
Wizarding Schools

J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools


First up all of us are excited about the upcoming Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. As if that wasn’t enough, J.K. Rowling revealed the name of the American Wizarding School that will learn about! J.K. Rowling revealed three new Wizarding Schools and that has left all the fans happily surprised.


J.K. Rowling got her website Pottermore redesigned and updated it in September last year. It now looks incredible and just majestic to say the least!

Three New Wizarding Schools by J.K. Rowling

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The site also revealed new versions of the quiz that got everyone excited

J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools

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As if this wasn’t enough to get all of us to lose our minds, J.K. Rowling revealed three Wizarding Schools and just gave us the best start to the year! Not only did she reveal about the schools and their names but several other details.

J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools

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The schools are situated in all parts of the world; the first one being Mahoutokoro in Japan, the second one Castelobruxo in Brazil and Uagadou on the African continent. The one in Africa is considered to be the biggest school wherein students are admitted from all around Africa. Moreover they are taught wandless magic! Isn’t that just awesome?!

J.K. Rowling Revealed Three New Wizarding Schools

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There is one detail that Hermione would completely adore. Students who get into Mahoutokoro receive robes in the first year itself! The robe grows in size with the student every year and changes colour based on how much the student has learnt. Guess who would have the brightest robe?

Mahoutokoro School of Magic

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She has revealed the name of the American School that we will learn about in Fantastic Beasts. The name is Ilvermorny.

Ilvermorny Wizarding School

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Histories of Wizarding Schools France’s Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and northern Europe’s Durmstrang Institute has also been revealed on her website.


All in all there are eleven Wizarding Schools and we still have about four more to go! Since the moment J. K. Rowling revealed three new Wizarding Schools, it is almost like all of us are back to Hogwarts and more! This must help us to get through while we eternally wait for our letter from Hogwarts!

Hogwarts Wizarding Schools

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After all, what is life without some magic?!

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