Theory on Who Will Save Ser Jorah
In the entire rigmarole of two seasons remaining and therefore characters losing their screen space (and lives) faster now is no news to us. And while we desperately hold on to the last two seasons and keep betting on our favourite houses, we have ended up ignoring one of the most potent questions for the upcoming two seasons. Who will save Ser Jorah?
Really, who will?! From the looks of what happened to him after his encounter with the stone men, Ser Jorah is in need of immediate attention and help like never before. His honest and rather moving confession of being in love with Daenerys have got us to bet on this man and pray hard that he gets past the ‘friendzone’.

All of us know that there is hope, that this isn’t something that is a death certificate and we owe a huge high five to both Shireen and Stannis Baratheon for that. Over and above all this, a clever Redditor, HouseHeisenb3rg, thinks that there may be an actual character that might help Ser Jorah recover from the deadly disease. Moreover, he claims that we have met the character already! Jump all the way back to Season 2 and you will know whom we are talking about.
Yup, it is Quaithe, ladies and gentlemen!

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Back in episode five of season two, “The Ghosts of Harrenhal” we met this mysterious woman when Dany and her team were in Qarth. And while no one seemed to know, care about or notice this woman as much, she knew everyone out there. She knew Ser Jorah in particular. Remember this?

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The Redditor says that,
“there is only ONE person in the entire series who has mentioned/hinted/showed they know about ANYTHING regarding the treatment/prevention of Greyscale. This person is actually treating someone who is about to travel past Old Valyria where Stone Men and Greyscale thrive. […]And that person is Quaithe.”

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If you notice here, she is talking about Old Valyria, exactly the place where Ser Jorah fought off the stone men and contracted the grey scale!
So for all we know, this lady could be the ultimate answer to Ser Jorah’s problems. She seems to know some magic that keeps the people save while they pass by Old Valyria. Therefore she could definitely be of some help.
And then, the big bomb, look at this!

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Isn’t there something weirdly uncanny about one’s necklace and the other’s mask? It is almost like they draw powers from it. For all we know she could be as strong as Melisandre and that is the answer to most of Jorah’s miseries.
Perhaps, now we do know who will save Ser Jorah, eh?

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