Home News This Rap against Rape is worth a Watch

This Rap against Rape is worth a Watch

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Merailaka .com Rap against rape

This Rap against Rape is worth a Watch

It is no surprise if we said that India has suddenly emerged to become the ‘Rape Capital’ in the world. It isn’t like it doesn’t happen in the other countries, but the attitude of the lawyers and people’s mindset in general that have been projected time and again have literally brought us to this state. It’s not only Rape that we must worry about it’s also the way our politicians, godmen and people in general respond to such news; shameful. Our mindsets towards a girl child, towards women and literacy, female sexuality are so negative and ancient that in most cases they have caused deeper and graver challenges in the development of our country. Calling themselves the BomBaebs, a Mumbai–based rap duo decided to address this issue and bring about a change. Pankhuri Awasthi and Uppekha have addressed every single issue associated with women in the country and mocked the system in its face. Juggling between Hindi and English, the girls have used sarcasm to the hilt and have blamed the ‘mindset’ of the country and not a specific gender. It’s a smart idea because they have used the most “liked” form of music today; rap. We are hoping that every youngster of social media gives it a look and hears them out. The rap ends on a positive note where they have spoken about women rights and how women must not curb their freedoms in the name of safety. A lot of women today have no idea about their rights and what it is that they can do to protect themselves. This video gets them to come out strongly. We know that a lot has been said about Rape, but this one goes way beyond that and challenges the system. It’s a must watch and a definite share!



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