Home News Mother by Choice a Touching Video on this Mother’s Day

Mother by Choice a Touching Video on this Mother’s Day

Mother By Choice
Mother By Choice

Mother by Choice a Touching Video on this Mother’s Day

Every year on Mother’s Day we wish our mothers, probably give them an off from the kitchen and celebrate. Things get back to as they were on the very next day. For Mothers, it’s not a Day that defines ours or their importance in our lives. They strive and struggle for us every single day. Their heart exists outside their bodies, in us! While most of us live our ‘normal’ lives every day, there are mothers who don’t care about festivals or Mother’s Day. This is a video of three women who chose to be mothers when they could have walked off. For them, every time their child walks, smiles and dances, it is Mother’s Day. Their struggles define their love for their child and their attitude is a window that shows their undying spirit and soul. These mothers do not have the best homes, a husband or a family to stand by them. But, they have their child and that makes them feel complete. It’s not only about these three women who are struggling to provide a future to their children, it’s about how they don’t give up and keep their hopes alive. They don’t yearn for anyone’s sympathy, they only need empathy. This video gives out a very strong message this Mother’s Day it’s the choices our Mothers make that shape us into who we are. And no matter what we are and how we turn out to be, our Mothers will stand by us like rocks. It’s only a mother who can find the inner strength, determination and courage to do what these young mothers are doing. The video isn’t only an example of a mother’s love, but also of a woman’s courage to pursue something she sets her heart on. Happy Mother’s Day! We know it’s a little soon, but then who needs a ‘specific day’ to celebrate Motherhood?!

The video is made by Little Kangaroos. Brilliant job, guys!



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