Home News These 18 Images will Restore your Faith in Humanity

These 18 Images will Restore your Faith in Humanity

Faith in Humanity
Faith in Humanity Restored

Restore your Faith in Humanity


The world really seems like a bad place these days with news of murders, rapes and dirty politics taking over the human nature every single second. Keeping Faith in Humanity seems like a difficult task. We constantly live under the threat of being cheated and manipulated. Hopelessness takes us over faster than anything else. Well, these images will restore your Faith in Humanity to the fullest. It will make you believe that the world isn’t really a bad place and there are good people everywhere. We may not always find good people around us but that doesn’t mean they do not exist. These people are not only keeping their humane side alive but also setting an example for everyone around the world on what true human nature must be like. These images will bring back that lost Faith in Humanity and keep it in your hearts always.


A man giving his shoes to a homeless girl

faith in humanity restored with man giving his shoes to a homeless

Fans lift up a handicapped guy at a concert

Faith in Humanity restored Fans lift up a handicapped guySource : Imgur

Lots of Japanese train passengers push a train in order to rescue a woman trapped in the gap

Faith in Humanity restoredSource : Imgur

A wall where one can donate clothes for homeless individuals

Faith in Humanity restored with a wall  for homeless individuals

A cyclist giving water to a thirsty koala bear

Faith in Humanity restored with cyclist giving water

Source : Amanda Pennini

A man saves kittens from drowning

Faith in Humanity restored with man saves kittens from drowningSource : Sulekha

She draws rainbows and gives them away to cheer people

Faith in Humanity restored by cheering peopleSource : Violettaweird

“You are beautiful. Remember that.”

Faith in Humanity restored with you are beautiful placard

He takes his sick dog to the lake every evening because the water soothes the dog’s pain

The water soothes the sick dog’s painSource : StoneHousePhotoBlog

This New York based hair stylist gives free haircuts to the homeless every Sunday

New York based hair stylist gives free haircutsSource : Mark Bustos

Nobody turned up from school for this autistic child’s birthday party. His mother asked for help on Facebook. These firefighters and local kids turned up.

Autistic child’s birthday partyAutistic child’s birthday partyAutistic child’s birthday party

Two men saved a drowning lamb

Two men saved a drowning lamb Two men saved a drowning lambTwo men saved a drowning lamb

Source : Imgur

This young girl sold her stuffed animals to donate for a local animal shelter

Young girl sold her stuffed animals

Source : Imgur

Grandmother was too shy to wear her gown at the hospital so her grandson accompanied her

Grandson wearing a gown

Source : Imgur

Need we say anything here?

Helping the unemployed

Source : Quipster.wordpress

Wendy’s employee takes off an umbrella from the table to protect an old man from the rains

Protect an old man from the rainsSource : Imgur

Christmas elves give food and gifts to the homeless

Elves give gifts to the homeless

Source : Roman at Wood

A community built swings for children on wheelchairs

Swings for children on wheelchairsSource : Imgur

Beautiful, isn’t it? Pass the goodness!
Source: BoredPanda  

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