Home Just For a Read 12 Hilarious Placement Coincidences That Are Spot On

12 Hilarious Placement Coincidences That Are Spot On

Hilarious placement coincidences vapire and blood service
Placement coincidences

Hilarious Placement Coincidences

Coincidences happen with all of us; but it’s quite rare when the placement of two objects and/or people is coincident that naturally generates a lot of sarcasm and humour. These placement coincidences tell a very different story from what is actually happening. This may not happen with us everyday, but then there are moments when we notice two awkward things placed next to each other. The next thing we know, we are laughing our hearts out at the hilarious coincident. These images are along those lines. They are going to make you laugh, nod your head in agreement and some will leave you marveling at the perfect placement coincidences that happened accidentally. We suggest that you look very carefully at these images or you will miss the point.  It’s going to make you pause when you are out on a stroll and start observing if you can find any such around you for yourself. If you do, take a picture and send it over to us; we will put it up! Have a look.

1Blood and Vampires are always related, aren’t they?

Image Credit: Reddit.com

2She is everywhere! Literally!

Image Credit: Imgur.com

3Such Liars!

Image Credit: Imgur.com

4Buy the booze; you will need it later!

Image Credit: Reddit.com

5Lick it up; all yours.

Image Credit: Reddit.com

6How did they know?!

Image Credit: Reddit.com

7And they know where daddy is!

Image Credit: Unknown

8George R.R Martin; see this?

Image Credit: Imgur.com

9We all know the catch here.

Image Credit: blog.robmark.com

10No, no don’t even tell us where the door’s handle is!

Image Credit: Unknown


Image Credit: Imgur.com

12Nothing will ever beat this one!

Image Credit: Reddit.com

Spread the laughter! If you have more to add to this list, post in comments and we will add it up.

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