Home Just For a Read Hilarious Video Captures Reactions at Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Episode

Hilarious Video Captures Reactions at Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Episode

Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale
Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale

Hilarious Video Captures Reactions at Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Episode

We all have hated HBO after Game Of Thrones Season 5 Finale last weekend. People’s Reaction at Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale have spoken volumes for their love for Jon Snow and a new found empathy for Cersei Lannister. Nobody, none of us expected that Jon Snow would leave us like that and most of us are still hoping that he is alive. The Reaction at Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale is a clear indicative that most of us are now in a dilemma. While many have shunned the show and promised never to watch it again, there are some of us who are confused and the rest of us who now just want the white walkers to kill every-DAMN-body! This particular video has managed to capture of the many reactions of people who watched the season finale. If you are a huge Game of Thrones fan, you will be able to relate to it. Having said that, it’s also extremely hilarious! Apart from this, if you actually had a look at Twitter, you would definitely feel better about this whole thing.

Although, even after this season finale shocker, fans are keeping their hopes high that Jon Snow will return. Reports have already started pouring in that the actor was seen shooting on locations that have been decided for season 6. Death of characters is the most common phenomenon with Game of Thrones and yet all of us took Job Snow’s stabbing extremely emotionally. Have you seen the man’s eyes?! I mean who wouldn’t be emotional about such a righteous man. Fingers crossed, George. R Martin and HBO team haven’t sent him to accompany Ygritte.

It will definitely make you feel that you aren’t alone. Winter is coming, guys! Have a look!


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