Home Just For a Read Game of Thrones Real Life Locations

Game of Thrones Real Life Locations

GOT Real Life Locations
GOT-Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Real Life Locations

We know that the internet is buzzing with the series at present. All of us are trying to keep steady as we nervously and excitedly wait for season 5 of ‘The Game of Thrones’. The next 10 episodes are going to provide our much needed and anticipated dose of sex, gore, plotting and ruthless action. We know that it’s going to get ridiculously amazing each day with R.R. Martin hinting at the female leads playing a crucial role in season 5. Not only has the series shocked and entertained us, but also converted us into reckless nerds and hopeless addicts. The deaths have hurt us and the sheer wickedness and lust for power has numbed any logic known to our brains. In spite of all this, ‘The Game of Thrones’ remains the most amazing and entertaining work of art we have ever witnessed and HBO basks in this glory every single day. On our journey of checking out several posts on ‘The Game of Thrones’, we came across Business Insider that posted pictures of real life locations of this series and boy! We were amused. We thought it’s worth sharing with our Indian fans who may not have an access to everything cool that is posted about this amazing series on the net. ‘Business Insider’ actually played a little quiz with its readers asking them to guess the location in the series; we won’t do that. We are just posting the original place and the same place as a location in the series.

Have a look and enjoy!

Daenerys Targaryen’s wedding

Game of thrones -Daenerys Targaryen's wedding (Azure Window Malta)

Thermal cave

Game of Thrones - thermal cave (Grjótagjá Iceland )

Frosting mountains

Game of Thrones- Frosting mountains ( Vatnajokull National Park)

The King’s Road

Game of Thrones - The King's Road (Dark Hedges)


GOT - Wolfswood (Tollymore Forest Park)

King’s Landing

GOT - King's Landing (Dubrovnik)

Theon Greyjoy travels to curry his father

GOT - Theon Greyjoy travels to curry his father (Balintoy Harbour)

House of the Undying in Qarth

GOT -  House of the Undying in Qarth (Minceta Tower)



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